Boiled cured ox tongue on horseradish puree, dark beer sauce and sugar peas
- 1 pc. beef tongue, cured
- 300 g potatoes, bacon
- 4 tbsp butter
- 200 ml whipping cream
- salt
- nutmeg
- a pinch of sugar
- 100 ml Zwettler “Dunkles”
- 200 g peas, green
- 1 piece. horseradish roots
- 1 pc. onion, medium size, finely chopped
- soup vegetables
- lorice
- peppercorns
Place the tongue in a pan filled with water, salt, bay leaf and peppercorns, add the soup vegetables and cook for approx. 2 hours. Remove the tongue and make a not too deep cut lengthways on the underside.
make a not too deep incision on the underside. This makes it easier to peel off the skin.
Horseradish puree
Peel the potatoes, boil and press through a ricer. Season with butter, salt and nutmeg, add the freshly grated horseradish and then the whipped cream. Stir until a creamy consistency is achieved.
Fry the onion pieces in a pan, deglaze with dark beer and reduce. Add a little soup and reduce again.
Cook the green peas in a pan of salted water until soft. Quickly rinse in cold water so that they retain their beautiful green colour. Sauté some butter with sugar in a pan, add the peas and a little of the soup. Slice the tongue lengthways or crossways, arrange on the horseradish puree, add the beer sauce and top with the glazed peas.
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